
Dec 14, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – An Oldie but a Goodie
I lifted the lid from the old case. My fingertips gently brushed over the well-worn keys. With some effort I pressed down on the Q. The...

Nov 23, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – An Acquired Taste
I squeezed the bag of ground coffee; my eyes closed reflexively as the robust aroma filled my nose. I couldn’t wait for the granular...

Nov 16, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – A Voice in the Wilderness
I pushed away another frond jutting out over the overgrown trail. The protests of my team were barely audible; drowned out by jungle...

Nov 9, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – A Thousand Words
We walked through the underground tunnels. The walls were adorned with paintings from various university groups and resident houses. I...

Oct 26, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – Time for a Change
I looked around the large and empty office. The hum of the lights had replaced the once busy drone of voices. Alone, I sighed and sat...

Oct 12, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – A Well Deserved Trip
Olivia looked up at the villa; the weight of her suitcases momentarily forgotten. “It’s perfect!” she whispered as her eyes took in the...

Oct 6, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – Carried on the Wind
To some it is just a bubble, a temporary sphere that shimmers with the colours of the rainbow as it drifts on the wind. But I know better...

Sep 28, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Whachu lookin’ at?” Sam sat down by his friend. “He’s back.” Luke’s muscles tensed beneath his coat. Sam eagerly looked around the yard....

Sep 21, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – What was I Thinking (or Not)?
I stared at the picture for the third time, hoping the image would evoke a thought, an idea – a memory. But my mind was as blank as when...

Sep 14, 2016
Writerly Wednesday – Heaven Sent
I sat down on the beach, buried my toes in the hot sand, and drew my knees toward me; hugging them tight. I closed my eyes and inhaled,...