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Writerly Update - March

I am still working at sorting out my blogging schedule. While I have reduced the amount of posts on this blog, I have maintained weekly updates on my Wordpress blog, thanks in part to Writerly Corner. Writerly Corner is a division of Fountain Blue Publishing and three weeks ago I signed up for Writerly Wednesdays. Each Wednesday I am sent a photo. The photo is a prompt for a flash fiction story of approximately 150 words. I admit it was difficult to write only 150 words, in fact the first two flash fiction posts were over the limit. However, by the third one, I finally managed the goal. I have decided that I will start sharing these Writerly Wednesday posts on this blog as well and I will begin with the first one I posted three weeks ago.

Progression on book 2 of the Playing in the Rain series has been slow but steady. I still do not have a release date for book 1 but will let you know when I do.

Last month I wrote about a couple of interesting events that were occurring in February. The first was attending a meeting for the Gan Lit Festival. At this meeting I learned about my role as a moderator. It will be my job to introduce the speaking authors and to moderate the Q & A period. I am happy to be participating in this capacity as someday it might be me speaking at one of those events.

The other event was the Oscars after party. Unfortunately, about two weeks prior to the event, we received some disappointing news. The organizer of the Latin Film Industry after party had become quite ill and the party was cancelled. The CDs with the works of several authors were returned to the publisher. At the moment they are looking for another event to distribute these CDs.

On March 20, I will be attending my first Writers' Ink meeting. I look forward to being a part of this group.

Reviews for Promised Soul are trickling in and since my last post I have received three more great reviews. You can find them on Goodreads under the review tab on this website.

Thanks to all who continue to read my blogs, follow me on social media, like my FB page, and support me. It is all very much appreciated.

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