Beyond the Story - Yesterday Today Always

Who is stalking Katherine and why?
Still reeling from the death of her husband in the London Bombings, Katherine builds a wall around her heart to prevent further hurt.
In a serendipitous moment her first love, Jared Martin walks back into her life. Old feelings are rekindled but as their second-chance-relationship develops, another cruel twist of fate strikes. The helicopter Jared is a passenger on ditches in the North Sea.
Who, if anyone, will survive the ordeal? Is fate still not done its dirty deeds?
Will a reckless moment from her past come back to haunt her? Contains adult content, violence, and strong language. 18+ recommended.
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I am delighted to have Author Melanie Robertson-King’s character from the novel, Yesterday Today Always, as my guest on Beyond the Story – Character Interview. Let’s get to know this protagonist and her story.
SJJ: Can you please tell us your full name and where you live?
KWM: Katherine Murphy-Whitorn, although I’m in the process of legally dropping the Whithorn bit. Aberdeen, Scotland is the place I call home.
SJJ: Wonderful! I’ve never been to Scotland, but I hope some day I will get the chance. And how do you make your living in Scotland?
KWM: I own a small independent bookstore on Exchequer Row in Aberdeen – As the Pages Turn – perhaps you’ve heard of it?
SJJ: No, I can’t say as I have. But what a lovely name for a bookstore. Have you ever wanted to do anything else?
KWM: Running this store is my dream job. I absolutely love it.
SJJ: Can you tell us, Katherine, something about you that not everyone knows?
KWM: When I was dragged off to Canada (kicking and screaming no less) by my parents, I didn’t fit in at school. I was the outsider, the ginger, the one who talked funny. My best – actually only – friend back then was a stuffed rabbit. (Melanie didn’t even know that, that’s how secret it was).
SJJ: Aw, that’s so sad. Kids can be cruel. But you sure know how to keep a secret, even from your author. Mind you, some of my characters do things I did not expect. So, I guess it’s not that extraordinary. Anyway, I hope things improved.
Switching gears here, what about regrets, do you have any?
KWM: Marrying Colin Whithorn, hence dropping Whithorn. Oops, (claps hand over mouth) I hope I didn’t create a spoiler here. Best leave it at that. If your readers want to know why I said that, they’ll have to buy Melanie’s book to find out.
SJJ: Ha, ha, ha, well played, Katherine. So, readers, if you want more information, you know what you have to do.
When you think of all your accomplishments, what is your proudest moment?
KWM: It has to be opening As the Pages Turn and making a go of it. The store is still in profit, despite the roller coaster the economy has been through.
SJJ: That is something to be proud of; running your own business is hard work. So, tell us then, what is your idea of the perfect day?
KWM: Being able to have a lie-in. Staying in my pyjamas all day if I want, not having to put on makeup. Just a lazy day at the flat. And if someone special is with me, it’s even more perfect.
SJJ: That does sound nice. And what do you do to relax?
KWM: This is going to sound crazy since I work with books all day, but I love to curl up on the sofa with a blanket, cup of tea and a novel. My favourite genre is crime, followed closely by women’s fiction, then romance.
SJJ: That’s not crazy at all. That’s a great way to relax after a busy day. And on the flip side, what do you do for fun?
KWM: It usually involves (faraway look appears in eyes) anything with my girlfriend, Stephanie. Shopping, girlie nights in or out at the clubs.
SJJ: Katherine, it sounds like you have a great time when you spend it with friends. What are your plans for the future?
KWM: Marrying my childhood sweetheart, Jared Martin. He was the reason my parents dragged me off to Canada. We’ve since reunited, and although it’s been a rocky road, he’s proposed.
SJJ: Congratulations! I hope you and Jared have a long and happy life together.
Katherine, if a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
KWM: Well, except she’s dead, Maureen O’Hara. Her hair was about the same colour as mine, I loved her Irish accent (not Scottish, but still has a nice lilt), and in any of the films I’ve watched her in, she’s got a fiery personality to go along with her red hair.
SJJ: Who knows, with today’s technology, CGI and whatever else there is out there, that is a possibility.
Thank you, Katherine, you are lovely person, and I am happy to have met you today. I wish you the best of luck with your bookstore and of course your future with Jared.

Author Bio
A native of eastern Ontario, during her pre-school years, Melanie Robertson-King lived in a winterized cottage on the shore of the St Lawrence River. Before starting school, her family moved to Brockville where she received her education, including a post-secondary degree in Computer Programming.
Growing up as an only child, Melanie was an avid reader and remains so to this day. She knew then one day she would be a writer. When she wasn’t talking about her dream of becoming an author, she wrote stories and began honing her skills at an early age.
Melanie’s father was a Scottish national. He came to Canada as a ‘Home Child’ through the auspices of The Orphan Homes of Scotland. She promised herself that one day her feet would touch the soil in her father’s homeland. That first trip was in 1993, and she’s not looked back since, having returned to the auld country a further eleven times and is looking forward to trip number twelve. On one of her many trips to Scotland, Melanie had the honour of meeting Princess Anne (The Princess Royal) at the orphanage where her father was raised.
Encouraged to study Highland Dancing, she competed locally. Her final competition took place during the summer of 1969, a few short months after her father’s death, at the 1000 Islands Highland Games. In that last event, she won the Silver Medal in the Sword Dance.
Melanie began her professional writing career in non-fiction. She published eight of her articles. One graced the cover of an international publication. At the same time, she continued to develop her writing voice: short stories as well as novel-length work.
When she’s not sequestered in her cave writing, plotting or editing, you’ll find her out about. In addition to writing, she loves to travel, prowl through cemeteries (the older, the better), and photography.
Melanie’s Links
Twitter @RobertsoKing
Dear Sandra,
Thank you very much for interviewing Katherine, a wonderful character from Melanie Robertson-King's Yesterday, Today, and Always! Fascinating information from Katherine that even Melanie didn't know!!!
Melanie, keep on writing great stories for us to enjoy!
Never Give Up
Joan Y. Edwards