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Author Interview - Aim Ruivivar

Welcome, Aim Ruivivar, this week's author interview guest.

I hope you enjoy reading about Aim and take a moment to check out her links.

About Writing/Books/Being an Author

1. Do you remember the first book you read that had an impact on you – in what way and what was the name of that book?

It’s the Grimm Brothers, Fairy Tales collection. I was very young when those tales mesmerized me. I was brought to different worlds and fantastical plots I thought didn't exist From then on, I told myself I wanted to create my own world, characters and weave their own stories to my own liking. And yes, I was bossy that way.

2. When did you first realize you wanted to write?

I was 11 years old. I wrote my very first short story while the teacher was not looking.

3. Who is/are your favourite author(s)?

Benjamin Hoff is at the top of my mind, Trina Paulus, Adeline Yen Mah and Antoine de Saint-Exupery come next with a whole lot more. If you ask Indie Authors I have lots from A to Z!

4. What is your favourite thing about writing? What is your least favourite thing writing?

I love making endless possibilities come true for sensible underdog characters while editing is a bit of a challenge. It’s like eating popcorn while watching your favorite film versus bad hair day while filming the script. Lol

5. Where do your ideas come from?

They just pop out of me brain but not out right, sometimes even in my dreams or my daydreaming. The first process is always the hardest. I usually rack my head for a concept. I murmur general words… write them down, even draw them on paper until I see characters float around my consciousness. Yes, sounds pretty schizoid but that’s how ideas come to me… lmao.

6. I’ve often found that creative people have more than one talent, what is yours?

Lmao, making a mess? I’m also slow like a turtle when doing tasks? Hmm okay, I used to sing in a choir. I know ASL (American Sign Language)… oh but that’s a skill… I can act or dance a bit? Is tripping most of the time even while standing a talent?

7. If you could jump inside of a book for one day (as an observer) what book would it be?

I would love to be in a fantasy book! One with fairies, dragons or witches! But if it’s a specific book, The Hobbit of J.R. Tolkien would be great. I want to see elves and other magical beings while surrounded with food.

8. When you create characters are they completely made up or do they resemble or remind you of people you know?

Sometimes it’s totally made up. Sometimes I picture people I know and bestow characters with the same attitude or manners. Sometimes my characters take after me too. I can’t be boxed. I like to explore possibilities.

9. Have you ever created a character out of thin air only to run into someone in real life that reminds you of that character either in personality or their features?

Hmm… I guess, yes. I get excited when I do but that’s rarely. I think only twice.

10. How do you come up with your titles for your book?

Titles are always fun to come up with. But it takes me long to come up with them also. I brainstorm. I come up with a formal title and an informal one then I play with the two. I like fun and intriguing titles. I’m glad I haven’t come up with any title yet that I didn’t love.

11. What are you working on and can you tell us about it?

I am working on four anthologies this year: one is about reincarnation, one is about working on your dreams, one is supernatural and the other one a contemporary romance. Aside from that, I am working on one more volume to add to my YA series book entitled 16 Myths and a supplement activity book for kids via a local publisher!

12. Have you won any awards for your writing/books and if so what?

I’ve joined an international screenplay writing contest before where there were 500+ entries under the category I joined in. I landed on the 80’ish spot which meant I was one of the Quarterfinalists but didn’t win. The anthology, Tales After Midnight got two awards collectively as a group namely: Best Thriller and Best Ghost Book in the Enchanted Anthologies Book Awards. And my 16 Myths volume 2 book won two awards namely: Best Fairy Tale for Reality Bites Magazine Award and 2nd Place on the BEST YA Book category given by the Summer Indie Book Awards. I was also awarded 1st Place in the category Favorite Asian Author in the First Annual Indie Awards by Wild Dreams Publishing.

A Little More Personal

13. What is one thing you haven’t done but would like to do?

I have lots but since I’m limited to say one I want to be able to bake cakes and be superb in cooking!

14. Can you tell us about an embarrassing/funny moment?

I was 23 years old and still fairly new as a teacher. On my third year of teaching, I had one hearing impaired preschool student who was crying on the first day of school. I tried to calm him by pointing to the two people who brought him to school who was at the door saying while waving at them, “Don’t cry anymore. Grandma and grandpa won’t leave you.” Only to find out they’re his parents and not grannies. OMG! I learned a valuable lesson then not to assume anything any time.

15. Have you ever experienced something weird?

Yes, hearing strange angry whispers of a man during a wake in a prayer vigil for someone who died in school. I was going to brush it off thinking I was just imagining hearing it but when I turned to my side, there’s this one girl looking at me with bewildered eyes as she also heard the same whispers. Only the two of us were hearing it and it was creepy to see others busy praying.

16. Are you superstitious? Do you have any rituals for good luck?

I try not to be as I believe the mind is so powerful it can will anything. I do pray though. I couple it with high hopes and kindness. If I’m kind to others, then my luck is good.

17. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

The yellow part of a duck embryo called Balut. It’s cooked!

18. Do you have a favorite vacation spot? Where?

Fujikawaguchico in Japan is a nice place to be in. The Angkor Watt in Cambodia is awesome too but I try to visit different vacation spots every time to see new places each time.

19. Can you tell us about one of your favourite childhood memories?

Playing with my pet rabbits, I’m pretty much a loner growing up... but who’s complaining? I still am a loner and still refusing to grow up. Lol J

20. What makes you happy?

Two things: when I finish a story and making people smile.

21. If you aren’t writing (or doing anything associated with writing), what are you doing?

I have pet birds and a few plants. I watch old films and marvel at rain. I read books and daydream for more book ideas. I get spoiled by my hubby.

22. Have you ever met anyone famous – who?

Does Luke Evans count in a FACE TO FACE meet and greet for a Fast and Furious movie premiere? That’s along with Henry Cavill’s ex girlfriend Gina Carano?


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