Author Christopher Coates Discusses his Newest Release
Author Christopher Coates joins me today to discuss his newest release, Alternate Purpose. Read on to learn more about this interesting novel.
SJJ: What genre(s) does this book fall under?
CC: SciFi Adventure
SJJ: Who is your target audience?
CC: Young adult or older
SJJ: When was your newest book released?
CC: January 22 2020
SJJ: Please tell us a little about your new release.
CC: A man discovers he has an amazing ability and builds his identity around this incredible gift from God. What will he do when he learns that the gift isn’t from God? Instead, he is part of a desperate plan to save humanity from an unimaginable disaster.
SJJ: Where does the story take place?
CC: Eastern USA in the current time period and 85 years in the future.
SJJ: What inspired you to write this story?
CC: It was just an idea I had.
SJJ: What kind of research did you do for this story?
CC: I had to look into current ideas around time travel. What theories are most supported and into suspected technological advancements in the next century.
SJJ: Was any part of this book particularly difficult to write?
CC: The ending was difficult. I could have kept the story going a little longer or had a very different outcome. I wrestled with it for a while.
SJJ: How did you come up with the title (which I really like by the way)? Did you have any other working titles?
CC: For several months, I was calling it Project X. As the story unfolded, I needed something better and came up with Alternate Purpose. At first I thought that would be temporary, but over time I decided that it was a good fit.
SJJ: Who designed the cover?
CC: The cover was designed by my publisher, Next Chapter Publishing.
SJJ: Did you enjoy writing any particular scene? Please tell us a little about it if you can.
CC: When the Devin learned his true purpose. His whole idea of who he is was shattered. There were many things that I needed to bring together for the story to continue.
SJJ: Does your book have any message or is it purely entertainment?
CC: We all have a purpose in life and we must make the most of it.
SJJ: How long did it take you to write? To edit?
CC: 1 year to write and 3 months to edit
SJJ: Who is your favourite character? Your least favourite character?
CC: General Marcus Quimby. Despite great personal loss, he unified and saved a dying nation.
SJJ: Is this book a stand alone or part of a series? If part of a series, please name other published works in the series.
CC: It is planned as a stand alone but a sequel is possible.
SJJ: Please tell us where Alternate Purpose can be purchased.
CC: It is available from Amazon as an eBook and in print.
Amazon: Alternate Purpose
SJJ: Thank you, Christopher, your new release sounds interesting, and I wish you much success.
Christopher Coates grew up on Cape Cod Massachusetts and moved to Michigan for college. He currently lives in Kent City, Michigan with his wife-Jerri, daughter-Nicole, and son-Jared.
Christopher is a retired Firefighter/Paramedic who works full time in Information Systems for a major West Michigan company.
His first three books, The Ark, The Resurrection Wager & Alternate Purpose are available in print and for Kindle
Christopher's Links
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