Guest Blog - Skye Turner

One of the best things about becoming an author are all the authors I have "met" through social media. Skye Turner is one such author. When I messaged her about participating in my blog she kindly accepted. Please read her most interesting post about her and her work. Thanks, Skye!
I was approached to write a Guest Blog Post and thought, “why not.” After wracking my brain, I figured the best way to inform everyone about me and also answer the questions I’m asked the most was to do it “Interview” style.
I’ve taken pieces from interviews I’ve had over the past 4 years and compiled them below!
To start with, I’ll give you a brief biography about me.
I, Skye Turner, am an avid reader and an editor turned International Bestselling Author of Sexy Adult Romance. Bayou Stix Series (Rocker Romance), James Black Series (Romantic Suspense), Unwanted Desire (Contemporary Romance), With Gratitude and Love (Military Romance), His Only Salvation (Dark Romance. Love Triangle), Rookie Love (Baseball Romance), Behind My Charade (Military Romance), A Lil Bit Country, A Lil Bit Rock & Roll Series (Music Romance), Dear Diary Short Stories (Erotic Romance), Gemstone Burlesque (Erotic Romance), A Joe of my Own (Military Romance), Nutt Cracker (Romantic Comedy. MPOV), Hart of the Storm (Music Romance), Love Bites (Romantic Comedy, co-written with Amanda Lanclos) and Pothos Chronicles (Erotic Romance).
I’ve recently expanded my writing capabilities and am writing Paranormal Adult Romance as Sloane Nicole. My PNR Series is called L’Amour Bayou with the first book being Antoinette’s Fall.

I attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where I majored in Mass Communications, centering my studies in Journalism. Unfortunately, life intervened and I never finished her studies.
I live in small-town Louisiana with my husband, two children, and nine fur babies. (Yes, nine cats and they are all in my house.)
When I’m not chained to my laptop pounding out sexy stories, I can usually be found playing ‘Supermom’, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), listening to music and dancing like a fool, cooking, baking, crafting, or spending time with those most important to me.
I love to incorporate pieces of my home state of Louisiana into my writing.
That’s the Cliffs Notes version of all things Skye Turner/ Sloane Nicole, but to find out even more about me, please keep on reading.
Name: Skye Turner/ Sloane Nicole (Skye Turner is me and what I write adult romance as. Sloane Nicole is also me, she’s just my adult paranormal pen name.)
Age: Almost 38
Where are you from? Near Baton Rouge, Louisiana
A little about your self `ie your education Family life etc.:
I’ve been married to my love, James, for 11 years. We have 2 beautiful babies. A diva, almost 10, and a little man (well, he keeps reminding me he’s not a baby anymore, so I suppose he’s my big man), 8. My “big” man has a congenital heart defect but is a blessing, a miracle, who doesn’t even know he’s sick for the most part.
I attended Southeastern Louisiana University where I majored in Mass Communication, centering my studies on Broadcast/ Print Journalism. Unfortunately, life intervened and I never finished my studies, though I only have about 15 hours left to get my degree. I know. I know.
Writing is something I’ve always done, though I never imagined I’d write for the masses to read and make a career out of it.
Latest news?
I’m co-authoring a book with my best friend, Amanda Lanclos. It’s called Love Bites and is a Romantic Comedy. We’ve been working on it, between other projects, and life, since January of this year. It will release on November 15th! We’ve had to push the release back a couple of times, but November 15 is the firm release.
People are LOVING Georgia and Spencer!
When and why did you begin writing?
I’ve written for as long as I can remember. I always jotted crazy ideas down and I started writing poetry and short stories in middle school. It’s just always something I’ve done. And now, it’s my career.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
That’s a tough question. I’ve written 54 books now. 52 are published and I’m an Internationally Bestselling Author. I’ve hit that with seven of my thirteen full-length novels, but it wasn’t until recently that I actually considered myself a “writer.” It was a pretty amazing feeling.
Anyone who writes is a writer, but to actually recognize yourself as a “successful” as in it’s your career, writer, that only came very recently and I’ve been writing as a career for four years now. What inspired you to write your first book?
My characters. I’d had the idea for Alluring Turmoil in my head for about ten years. One day, Jude and Lexi just refused to be quiet, so I let them out and Pandora’s Box was opened. Lol.
Do you have a specific writing style?
I do. I tend to write the way I speak. I’m not a formal type of person, so my stories read as if they’re in real time and it’s as if you’re there, involved in the story. Most people seem to like that.
I also write in dual point of view, so you get both sides of the story in every book.
How did you come up with the title?
I brainstorm forever on ALL of my books to find the “perfect” title. It’s really important that my titles convey what my books are about. The title is usually the second most brutal part of the book for me. Writing the blurbs, or the book descriptions, is the absolute worst.
I also have people I trust that I run them by.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Every one of my books touches on certain subjects that people face every day. I tend to write about real life issues and insecurities, so, yes, all of my books have messages that people can learn from.
How much of the book is realistic?
My books are fiction, but every book has pieces of me in it. Characters may be loosely based on me or people I know. Almost all of my female characters have bits and pieces of me in them, but overall, it’s very important to understand that while things may be based on real life and some of my personal life, the books are in fact fiction.
Are experiences based on someone you know or events in your own life?
It’s a mixture of both. I write about what I know. Both from things I’ve experienced and things I’ve seen others experience.
What books have influenced your life most? Do you have a mentor?
I’ve loved books since I was a child. My mom used to read to my younger brother and me all the time. So, I grew up loving books and reading. I vividly remember curling up in a rocker and a book. I would usually get so engrossed in whatever I was reading that I’d lose track of everything else.
Books that have stayed with me are To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and a few more. I tend to love the classics.
Authors I greatly admire and look up to are Nora Roberts, Nicholas Sparks, Gena Showalter, and Amy Harmon.
What book are you reading now?
Right now, I’m rereading my own books, Riff and Harmony from my A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock & Roll series because I’m about to start writing the third installment, Interlude, which should release before the end of the year. I hope.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
There are so many great new authors. It seems as if new authors pop up every day. Some are insanely talented. Some not so much, but I don’t knock anyone for putting themselves out there and going for their dreams.
What are your current projects?
Interlude (Book 3 A Lil Bit Country A Lil Bit Rock and Roll) and the next installment of L’Amour Bayou by me writing as Sloane Nicole.
Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
God. Without my faith and God blessing me with this talent, I couldn’t do what I do.
Do you see writing as a career or a hobby?
Writing IS my career. I don’t work a 9-5 job. I write. Writing is my livelihood.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Um, what was my latest book? I have so many, I can’t really keep up with my own stuff.
Mission Christmas in the Mrs. Claus Anthology (for charity) is the latest book I finished. It will be out November 1st, so make certain you preorder it! It also has stories from Amanda Lanclos, Chelsea Cameron, Lacey Black, and Laramie Briscoe!
I would not. I love my books. I grow with each book and some things I see in earlier works, I cringe over, but no. I think my books reflect my growth and I think showcasing your journey is important.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I don’t. It’s just always been there.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I don’t typically share my work before it’s released. I’m anal about that. Lol. I do teasers, but rarely do excerpts. I can tell you that it’s about another hot rocker and another strong, sassy, and sweet country maiden though.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Sometimes it’s strange when I have an idea on how my story is going to go, but as I’m writing the characters kind of go in a completely different direction. They lead, I follow. People who aren’t writers don’t really understand that we put the story to words, but it’s not our story, it’s the characters and they constantly evolve.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Nora Roberts, Nicholas Sparks, Gena Showalter, and Amy Harmon. They all captivate me for different reasons as all have completely different styles and are different genres.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
No. I used to do 6-7 events a year, but that is a LOT of traveling. I have young children and they always have things going on. Since I don’t miss anything with them, I’ve drastically cut back on my travel and it’s allowed me to be a lot less stressed and also I’m much happier with being able to focus on my family and actually writing the books that people love to read.
I did 2 events this year and I have three in 2018. All three are very close to home. I’m now debating on not doing any more in 2019, but I’ll see how it goes.
Who designs your covers?
Kari Ayasha of Cover to Cover Designs, Freya Barker of Rebel Edits, Judi Perkins of Concierge Literary Designs and Photography, and myself. I will also be working with a couple more new-to-me designers for upcoming books.
What was the hardest part of writing your book(s)?
Giving the right voice to the characters and doing their stories justice.
Did you learn anything from writing your book(s) and what was it?
I learned that I write the story the characters tell. I’m just the channel.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
Yes, if you have a dream, go for it. But if you decide to do this, do it right. Invest in yourself before you ask others to invest in you. Put out the BEST material you can. Don’t rush and cover your bases. Also, do your research. Make certain that your book is factual and that your little details are correct.
You don’t have to spend a fortune, but make sure you’re putting out a professional book. That means a good cover, an edited book, and a book that is formatted correctly. Most of the time if you cut corners, it’s very obvious.
And on the other hand, don’t focus so much on the presentation that you lose sight of why you’re writing. Don’t break the bank on a book. Be smart about your spending.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Thank you for reading and loving my work. I couldn’t do this without you, so thank you for the support and as long as you want to read, I’ll write!
Do you remember the first book you read?
Um, Fun with Dick and Jane?! No, I honestly have no idea.
What makes you laugh/cry?
Everything. I laugh at myself every single day. Life is a precious gift and so short, so I make sure to take the time to enjoy it! I don’t take myself too seriously.
I’m a very emotional person, though I rarely show that side to the world. You will rarely see me cry. That’s saved for private.
Is there one person past or present you would meet and why?
Marilyn Monroe. I love her. She fascinates me. I’d love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with her and pick her brain and find out her secrets.
What do you want to be written on your headstone and why?
Here lies Skye Turner. Wife, Mother, Character, Author
She never stopped reaching for the stars.
Because that encompasses all that is me.
Other than writing do you have any hobbies?
I blog, cook, bake, craft, garden, read, dance, make memories, etc.
What TV shows/films do you enjoy watching?
TV- Once Upon a Time, Shadowhunters, The Walking Dead, Z Nation, I Zombie, The Blacklist, Hawaii Five-O, Hallmark movies, reruns of CSI: Miami, Food Network, HGTV.
Movies- Harry Potter, Anything comic related, anything with vampires, werewolves, or zombies, All Nicholas Sparks movies, Disney movies, PS I Love You, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Steel Magnolias, 80’s movies. No horror. Like ever. Unless it’s vampires, werewolves, or zombies.
Favorite foods/ Colors/ Music/ Channels?
Food- Pizza, Louisiana cooking, Chocolate.
Colors: Black, Purple, Royal Blue, Emerald Green
Music: 80’s music, country, pop, hip-hop, 80’s rock, alternative, classical, jazz, I love all music, though I’m not a huge fan of rap.
Channels- Food Network, SyFy, HGTV
If you were not a writer what else would you like to have done?
Do you have a blog/website? If so what is it?
I do.
Where can you be found or reached for anyone wanting to “Follow” you?
Skye Turner (Adult Romance)
Facebook as Skye Turner:
Amazon Author Page:
Twitter: @SkyeTurner_Auth
Sloane Nicole (PNR Adult Romance)
Amazon Author Page:
Twitter: @SloaneNicoleAtr
I hope you’ve enjoyed learning all about me and if you’re interested in my books or connecting with me, please feel free to use the links posted above. I’ve made stalking me very easy!