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Stop the Madness

Attention disrupted,

Unfocused thoughts,

Invading fears,

Unfolding plots,

Unsettling news,

Disturbing plans,

Hidden agendas,

Clashing clans,

Entitled beliefs,

Oppressive minds,

Barbaric practices,

Destroying mankind,

Caring forgotten,

Empathy lost,

Selfish attitudes,

Insurmountable cost,

Pointing fingers,

Shame game,

Shaking heads,

Passing blame,

No accountability,

Deceptive deeds,

Enormous egos,

Debilitating greed,

Fallible humans,

Emotional too,

Ignorance perhaps?

No Excuse.

Human condition,

Life's choices,

Guilty conscience,

Innocent voices.

Unconditional love,

Extinction evaded,

Enduring hope,

Evil abated.

It is easier to hate for our differences than to love.

It is easier to be lazy than to be productive.

It is easier to complain then to make a change.

It is easier to concede than to fight.

But nothing that is worth doing, nothing that gives you a sense of fulfillment, nothing that is good - is ever easy.

This morning's news filled me with fear and then anger (fear breeds anger). In 2017, I should not have to feel this way - no one should have to feel this way.

I believe there is more good in this world than evil. I see it every day in the small things. I see it in the person who holds open the door for someone else. I see it in the "please", "thank you", "you're welcome", "and have a good day" from strangers. I choose to see it.

Every day I try to be a better person. Do I fail? Do I make mistakes? Heck yeah - that's what makes me human. But I don't give up on trying either. I choose to be my true-self, the person who is happiest when I am kind, when I am forgiving. That is my true-self.

We create our own reality and our choices are what creates that reality. We choose to love. We choose to hate. We choose to be happy or angry or sad. We choose to complain. We choose to wallow in self-pity. We choose to make a difference. We choose to work hard. We choose to enact change. We are not born with prejudices - it is learned. We can undo that learning if we choose.

No one is perfect. No one has all the right answers. No one is better than anyone else no matter your race, your religion, your beliefs. If the human race becomes extinct, we have only ourselves to blame. All of us.

It is up to every person to choose to find the good. Stop trying to change other people into what you believe is right, or good, or without sin. Change yourself to be more accepting, loving, kind, understanding and forgiving.

I believe this life is really only about one thing - Love.

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