The Journey Continues
It’s hard to believe that the first week of February is almost over. The winter has been fairly mild and unpredictable. You can go to bed with barely any snow on the ground and wake up the next morning to a blanket of white. Spring is just around the corner.
I am busily working away on the second novel of my first series. The first book, Playing in the Rain (is scheduled to be released sometime this year. I have yet to receive the first galley edits so I really have no idea what the timeline will be.
I have to say that working on a series is tough. I am making more notes as well as re-reading parts of the first book to maintain consistency. I have found that I need to make a few changes in the first book when the edits arrive, so I have made some notes on that as well. The changes aren’t anything more than describing a couple of things in more detail; things that I didn’t think mattered, let alone deserved mentioning in the second book. It’s funny how that works.
I am discovering with every story that it isn’t just about coming up with an idea and putting it down on paper. There are times when the writer in me has to become someone else for a while. Sometimes it requires me to be an “architect” as I spend hours plotting out a building I have imagined. Other times I am a researcher, looking up things I never thought I would. On one occasion I asked my son for a little help as I was busy writing and I didn’t want to stop. I asked him to look up how long it takes for a body to decompose. His response was an emphatic no. He was not going to have that sort of thing in his browsing history. I had to laugh.
Mid-way through the month I will be attending a meeting for the 2nd annual Gananoque Literary Festival. I was invited to participate in the festival this year but I do not know in what capacity. I look forward to the meeting to see where this all is going.
At the end of the month, “I” will be going to an Oscar after party. Okay, well not really me (though that would be pretty awesome). What will be attending, however, is the e-book version of Promised Soul, my author bio, and bio pic along with several other e-books, bios and pics of other authors. This will all be on a CD included in Swag Bags that will be handed out to some 300 guests at the Latino Film Industry’s After Party.
I happily continue to work on building my platform, marketing, and writing. I look forward to every day as I wonder what amazing and wonderful things this writing life will bring.