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Guest Blog with Author Sharon C. Williams


Please welcome Sharon C. Wiliams, FBP author of Dragons in the Attic, Root Canal, Jasper Amazon Parrot and Squirrel Mafia. She helped me out in a pinch as my original guest for today was unable to post due to unforseen circumstances. I am re-blogging one of Sharon's posts from her website

Authors, Keep Pushing Forward

In April I did an interview for a local magazine. I was soooooooooooooo excited. I told everyone. It being in a local paper I thought was awesome, and it is, for your name gets out in your area. May, the first week of May was when it was supposed to come out. The first week came and went and I was not able to find the magazine. Contacting the editor she directed me to where she knew some had been dropped off. YAY!

I celebrated too early. Upon finding the magazine I scanned through it, I didn’t see me. I scanned again. I didn’t see me. That is when I knew I had not been included. That was a let down feeling of a mini epic proportion. I did notice they had only included one writer apart from the main article they had written. That gave me a small bit of, okay it’s not just me. But that was still a let down.

As I wrote on FB my revelation of not being in the paper I hash-tagged #Notstoppingme and it won’t. As one friend tried to cheer me up she said, “They left out the best part.” And in a blink of that happening I was asked to present myself to the 1 Million Cup group in town and became a member of a professional women’s group in town whose goal it is to help each other out. Things got better and got better fast.

Don’t let little bumps in the road stop you. Find a way to go around it.

Thank you, Sharon, for helping me around "the bump in the road" I encountered.


You can contact Sharon C. Williams at one of the following links.

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