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Thank you FBP!

Well as of yesterday, I am officially a published author. Promised Soul is now available for Kindle on It has been an amazing journey just to get to this point and it’s not over yet. The days and weeks ahead will continue to be busy and I am looking forward to every minute.

Every day I work at something to help me become a better author. I write, edit, and read. I blog and work at marketing. I update my website and research content to post on social media. I have joined CAA (Canadian Author’s Association) and have made inquiries about holding book signings and attending writers’ festivals. During all of this I have managed to spend time with my husband, kids & pets. As for myself, I find all this work enjoyable but when I want to take a break, I do. It is either spent reading or walking with my dog, and once a month I get together with friends.

Years ago I though writing a book was just that. You wrote a manuscript and you sent it off to a publisher. If you got lucky they published it. I had no idea the amount of work that was involved. Melanie Fountain of Fountain Blue Publishing, Kim Barton of FBP and Tyme Captured Photography & Graphic Design, and my editor Susan K. Earl have made this all possible.

From the beginning I have never felt like I couldn’t ask Melanie a question regarding the publishing process. Her FBP author platform course was instrumental in showing all of her authors the ins and outs of building our all-important platforms. There wasn’t one bit of the information learned that wasn’t helpful in some way. She truly cares for her authors.

As FBP’s business manager and head graphic designer, Kim has done an amazing job with her cover designs. There is nothing quite like seeing the cover of a book for the first time. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I look forward to working with her on other marketing strategies.

I am grateful for Susan’s editing and her kind and helpful words solidified my confidence.

FBP feels very much like a family. I have enjoyed meeting and supporting the other authors and look forward to continuing our relationships.

Thank you Melanie, Kim, and Susan for this opportunity and for making a dream come true.

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